All gratitude and appreciation go to the friends who contributed to building this platform, whether through fruitful discussions, valuable consultations, or by sharing their creative artistic works.
LinkedIn: Rami Alfaysal
Like many Syrians who left their country during the revolution, I was forced to leave due to the brutal repression of the former regime. My journey toward understanding the developmental gap began when I noticed the significant contrast between the advanced infrastructure in Egypt and the underdeveloped state of Syria, particularly in the field of education, during my studies there.
This disparity became even more evident when I moved to Sweden, where I witnessed firsthand how Syria had fallen behind in most fields compared to the rest of the world. It was a painful realization, but it pushed me to deeply reflect on how we could rebuild our country.
Through my studies and earning a master’s degree in financial accounting, along with five years of practical experience in the Swedish financial market, I arrived at a fundamental truth: meaningful change begins with information. Collecting data, producing accurate statistics, and conducting thorough analyses are the keys to seeing the bigger picture and determining where to start the rebuilding process.
Today, for the first time in 50 years, we Syrians have a real opportunity to make a difference by raising our country from the ashes. I am Rami Alfaysal, a Syrian expatriate who wishes to contribute to Syria’s reconstruction through the Syrian Talent Hub. Although I feel the pain of not being physically on the ground, like many other Syrians, I believe that every Syrian possesses talent and expertise, and that these talents despite being scattered in exile can come together to form one of the foundational pillars for reviving Syria.
We are the builders of a new story a story of resilience, renewal, and hope.....